Like most of the animals humans have two eyes. There are many advantages of having two eyes, but one is particularly striking – it’s the capacity of depth perception.

When watching an object each human eye gets slightly different image: different position on the face gives each eye slightly different viewpoint. The parallax – obvious different position of an object as seen with left or right eye – is the main cue for the brain to calculate depth. The process of perception depth of an object via horizontal disparity of two eye images is called stereopsis. It is not the only cue that helps humans process perception of depth – other cues are color, lightning, perspective, shadowing, relative size etc. – but it is most important. The brain merges both images and at the same time, based on the differences of the images, deducts the depth of the object.

This is exactly the process that 3D technology of todays relies on – that’s the reason it’s often called stereoscopic 3D: it replicates the way images are seen naturally in the real world.


XPANDVISION’s Active 3D Cinema Systems are a flexible, cost-effective solution and don’t require a silver screen. On top of that all XPANDVISION’s Products are HFR Ready.


In the high end and high quality level tradition, XPANDVISION’s roster 3D passive systems and glasses are also available for larger venues using silver screen up to 20 meters and beyond.